How Can I Remove Acne Scars That Are Very Deep-Pitted?

Do you notice that deep acne scars leave marks on your face that won’t disappear? Well, don’t give up hope just yet. Thanks to groundbreaking advances in dermatology, there are now advanced treatments that can help lessen serious scars and make the skin look better again. To discover the best methods to remove or make deep scars less noticeable.

How Can I Remove Acne Scars That Are Very Deep-Pitted?
How Can I Remove Acne Scars That Are Very Deep-Pitted?

What Are Deep-Pit Acne Scars?

Deep pitted acne scars, also called atrophic scars, are usually caused by bad acne. Most of the period, they are caused by tissue loss during cell renewal, leaving scarred skin behind. Compared to the skin around them, they look low and depressed, with pits or holes, and are generally hard to treat. 

Since they make the skin feel bad, they are a big problem for people with acne-prone skin from a physical point of view. Here are certain symptoms and signs of deep-pitted scars you may see if you have serious acne.

How Can You Tell If You Have Deep Scars?

Here are some things that most deep acne scars have in common:

  • Tissue Depth or Depression: Scars that are flat and thin have depressions that go all the way down to the deeply dermal layer of skin or subcutaneous tissues.
  • Loss of Tissue/Skin Volume: These round to oval-shaped pits have vigorously represented sides and a depth of 1.5 to 4 mm. Indentations caused by fibrosis cast shadows and make the skin look wrinkled.
  • Skin Discoloration: Acne can cause post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, a skin darkening. Some acne scars can be pink, tan, or skin color, while others can be dark brown.
  • Looks like waves: These acne scars are usually straight and have sharp edges or sunken tracks. Without collagen, important healing tissue is lost, which makes the skin look uneven.

Do pitted scars eventually go away?

Most deep scars don’t go away independently or get better with time. But there are now many improved ways to reduce them safely and successfully. To learn more about them, read the next part.

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A professional should remove deep-pitted scars.

You can get famous professional treatments for deep-pitted scars at different skin centers.

Laser Skin Resurfacing: 

Top doctors utilize fractionated erbium YAG laser. The USFDA has cleared this laser technology to create micro-wounds and treat deep pitting acne scars by causing the body to make more collagen. Using a hand-held tool, they place a laser beam of a certain range on the damaged tissue. With dermal numbing, this non-invasive technique is quick and doesn’t hurt. It takes about six to eight sessions, or as many as your doctor suggests, to greatly enhance the watch and feel of your skin and make deep scars less obvious.

Chemical peels: 

This advanced cosmetic treatment helps peel off the top layers of skin in a controlled way to remove scars and show clear skin underneath. Chemical peels utilize plant extracts and AHAs and BHAs to eliminate dead skin cells and support collagen production within deep scars. This creates the skin look smoother and more even. Dermatologists decide how strong of a peel to use and apply it based on how bad the acne scars are. Most doctors only suggest them for scars on the skin’s surface. But now, they may offer them as part of a treatment plan for deep scarred scars and other methods.


Tiny needles MNRF, which stands for “radiofrequency,” is a new type of dermatologist treatment that uses radiofrequency energy to smooth the skin and make sunken scars look less obvious. The process changes the skin by making collagen and elastin more likely to be made. During the treatment, the heat energy triggers the cells in the connecting tissues below the damaged surface. This makes it possible to eliminate deep acne scars. The process has good benefits with few or no negative side effects. There is also very little break with this method.

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If you have deep scars, your doctor may tell you to use fillers. With these fillers, the damaged tissues are filled in and lifted to the same level as the skin around them. They have hyaluronic acid that fills out sunken scars without causing too much pain. The USFDA has said that hyaluronic acid fills are safe, but the effects only last nine months to two years. After that, enzymes in the body may slowly break them down. The filler process doesn’t require any time off and works quickly.

Surgical Removal: 

This is a painful way to remove serious acne scars. The surgery helps smooth out damaged tissue and makes the scars less obvious. After the scar is cut out, the doctors sew the skin back together. This may make the scar smaller and less noticeable than it was before. It’s also known as punch removal. The new scar will likely fade, making the skin look smoother.

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This treatment is a less intense form of exfoliation that eliminate dead skin cells from the top layer of skin and reduces small scars. Dermatologists scrub the skin by spraying very fine crystals through a tube. They then use vacuum force to remove the crystals right away. For skin structure to get better, it takes more than one practice.


This treatment is recommended by dermatologists to make deep acne scars less noticeable by getting your skin to make more collagen. Your doctor may gently use a small, hand-held tool with clean needles to poke holes in the scarred tissue. As the skin improves, it makes more collagen on its own, which fills in the holes. Most people see benefits after nine months to a year, but depending on what your skin expert says, it may take more than one session.

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Scar Removal Creams: Do They Aid in the Healing of Deep-Pitted Scars?

There are many scar reduction creams that you can buy without a prescription. However, they don’t work on deep pitting scars. Since damaged tissue, ointments, and creams cause acne scars can’t fix or make it less painful.

What Can You Hope to Happen?

Dermatologists use modern methods to help decrease acne scars’ size, depth, and appearance. They help smooth out the appearance of scar tissue and give you clear skin. But the effects can be different based on how bad the scars are, the type of skin, the type of treatment chosen, the technology accessible, and how skilled the doctor is at doing the process.

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