How To Get Rid Of Acne And Teen Spots In 3 Simple Procedures

Recently, my daughter got acne, also called “teenage spots.” I decided to attempt to find out how to get rid of adolescent spots and repair her skin condition after seeing how self-conscious and upset she was. I didn’t require her to be unhappy with how she looked as a teenager.

How To Get Rid Of Acne And Teen Spots In 3 Simple Procedures
How To Get Rid Of Acne And Teen Spots In 3 Simple Procedures

We tried over-the-counter products such as Clearasil and Neutrogena, but nothing helped her face more than a little. At this point, I chose to take her to see a doctor. He gave me a plan that worked to get rid of her acne. She only gets small pimples occasionally, but no painful, red bumps are under her skin.

Since going to this doctor costs hundreds of dollars and the things he mentioned can be bought at a store, I’m sharing the process here so that other people can avoid spending all that money to help clear up their skin.

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Please keep in mind that my daughter had what I would call mild acne. Even though it wasn’t severe acne, it had been more than a few pimples. If your acne is very bad, you might also need an antibiotic or a prescription drug that might not help.

Step 1: Ensure you wash your face.

The initial stage is to wash your face. You do this to eliminate the extra oil, which people with acne may have a lot of. This would help if you did it in the morning and at night. It cleans the face so that the acne-fighting cream (shown to you later) can get to the spots without being stopped by oil. My doctor mentioned Cetaphil shampoo as it is cheap and gentle on the skin. He said it became just as nice as more expensive things.

Step 2: Put Benzac Benzoyl Peroxide Cream on the pimple.

My doctor told me to use this cream as the second step of the treatment. There are three levels of benzoyl peroxide cream: 2.5%, 5%, and 10%. This cheap cream you can buy at the drugstore works well.

My doctor says starting with 2.5% or 5% is a good idea. This lets your skin get used to it since 10% is too powerful at first and would dry out your skin. For the first ten days, we used the 2.5% cream. My daughter’s face got a little bit better during this time. So, we decided to change to 5% strength.

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After two weeks of use at 5% strength, my daughter’s face looked much better. The spots on her chin and lips were about 80% to 90% better, but she continued to feel bad about herself as she still had plenty of red spots on her face. Because of this, we went and bought the 10% cream. 

Only her face got this. I kept putting the 5% on her chin and lips. Her face was almost clear after following this new routine for approximately a week to ten days. It has stayed this way ever since, as long as she continues to put cream on it. 

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She did get a few very dry places on her skin when she first started using the 10% cream, but they went away as her skin got accustomed to it. Remember that you must slowly build up to using the 10% cream. When my daughter stopped using it for a while and placed it back on without leaving her skin time to get used to it, it made her skin itch.

Be careful. Use it daily at first if your skin seems to be reacting. Please remember that Benzac is a single type of benzoyl peroxide cream. You can do numerous things if you can’t get Benzac in your country. However, readers have informed me that 10% benzoyl peroxide lotion is difficult to acquire in the UK, so you may need to order it online or from a retailer in another country. 

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Be careful! Bleaching cream with benzoyl peroxide makes things look better. My daughter bleached two bath blankets and a lot of pillows, which caused them to get ruined. Take care so the cream doesn’t stain your clothes or other things.

Step 3: Moisturize your skin. Yes, for real!

If you do this method, your face will no longer have any oil or spots. But if you’re not careful, your skin can get very dry and flaky, especially at the beginning. My doctor told me to use this Cetaphil face lotion. It’s nice that it doesn’t cost much, has no oil, and doesn’t leave the skin feeling heavy. We’ve found that Benzac cream can help remove dry and red spots.

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