Causes, Treatments, And Preventing Ice Pick Acne Scars

There are different kinds of acne scars, including boxcars, ice pick acne scars, rolling, hypertrophic, and keloid scars. Among the most noticeable and serious of these is an ice-pick scar. Ice-pick scars look like tiny, deep holes in your skin, making it less smooth. Read on to learn how to treat ice pick acne scars and why they happen.

Causes, Treatments, And Preventing Ice Pick Acne Scars
Causes, Treatments, And Preventing Ice Pick Acne Scars

What is an ice pick acne scars?

Ice pick acne scars are a kind of atrophic acne scar that is often caused by cystic acne that is very bad. Most of the time, these are deep, narrow scars that show up on your lips. This type of scar usually has smaller openings and a deeper infundibulum that makes a “V” shape. 

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Most people with atrophic acne scars have scars that look like ice picks. About 60% to 70% of scars look like ice picks. Because of how they look, ice-pick scars are very hard to remove. Scar removal methods can take a long time and often must be repeated, harsh, and expensive.

What causes ice pick acne scars?

Ice-pick scars are often caused by cysts and abscesses that get deep into your pores and cause inflammation. You could have an ice-pick scar if you prick your pimples or don’t take care of your comedones. Ice pick acne scars are smaller and deeper than other acne marks. They appear like narrow, pitted shapes on the skin, and because they are so different, they are often easier to see. 

When you have severe acne, it can cause a larger spot that hurts your collagen. So it’s hard to get rid of ice-pick scars easily. Ice pick acne scars can happen on your nose, forehead, upper cheeks, and other places on your face. To eliminate acne scars, you should talk to a physician as soon as possible to discover the best way to treat ice pick marks.

What options are there for treating ice-pick scars?

Ice-pick scars are too deep to heal alone or with standard home treatments. But you can consider with your doctor the best way to treat your ice-pick scars based on your skin type and how bad they are.

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Punch Excision

A study called Effective Treatments for Atrophic Acne Scars found that punch removal is one of the best ways to eliminate ice-pick acne scars. This scar treatment method uses a small tool that looks like a cookie cutter to cut out the scar. The hole is then stitched or sealed shut and left to heal. This method additionally leaves a small scar where the hole was, but it is almost impossible to see. The new scar will appear smaller and won’t change the color of the skin around it. 

Punch Grafting

Some doctors think punch grafting is the best way to remove ice-pick scars. In this case, the scar is removed and replaced with a skin graft, like behind your ears, from a place that won’t be seen. This treatment method raises the scar to the same level as the skin around it.

Punch grafting will always fill deep, narrow acne scars, but you might require more than one graft for a single scar. Also, it is thought to be better for healing ice-pick scars that are big or deep. Like punch removal, this patching process leaves fewer visible marks than the original.

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Laser Resurfacing

Dermatologists utilize high-frequency laser waves on the scarred area as a common way to treat marks. The treatment removes the top layers of skin and makes more collagen and elastin. So, the layers of your skin grow back, giving you better skin with an even tone.

But laser resurfacing or skin fillers might not work for ice-pick scars because of how deep they are. So, talk to your doctor because these steps don’t always eliminate the ice-pick scar.

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Hyaluronic Acid Injections

Dermatologists may also recommend hyaluronic acid injections to treat scars like ice pick acne scars that are scarred. It can be helpful, but there’s a problem with it. The obsession won’t last forever, and the results of hyaluronic acid shots can go away in about a year.

OTC Creams

Since ice-pick scars are deep, you can’t treat them with creams or ointments you buy at the store. But you can maintain your skin health with over-the-counter products. This will make scars less noticeable and make it less likely that you will get acne and scar from it.

Natural Remedies

Most natural treatments for ice-pick acne scars don’t work very well. But you can use honey, cinnamon, rosehip oil, and witch hazel to make masks that you can put on your face. These can help fade spots and make your face feel better generally. Even though these products can’t eliminate the deep pits, they can make your face feel better and look better.

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How To Keep Ice Pick Acne Scars From Happening?

  • Comedones can cause ice-pick scars, so see a doctor when you notice them.
  • Try not to pick at, pop, scratch, or touch pimples.
  • Scrubbing too hard can worsen acne, so be gentle when you clean your face.
  • Before going outside, you should put on sunscreen to keep your skin from getting darker, which may make the acne scars stand out more.
  • Make sure your skin is well-hydrated to help it heal faster.
  • Use skincare and makeup that doesn’t contain oil and won’t clog pores.

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